Saturday, January 25, 2020

Matchmaking and Dating Advice Comments and Replies From Vice Media YouTube Janis Spindel Interview

Opening Page Text:
Dating Coach “Roasting” Show by Janis Spindel, Matchmaker Since 1993 With 13 Short Of 4,000 Marriages 

Opening Message from unique visitors on Vice Media episode of Yelp’s Worst 1 Star Rated Dating Coach Prepared Me for a Real Date: *we don’t scam people
*that word disgusts me
*love to have everyone that said that in front of my face and see how far it goes

Opening Yelp Comments:
*woman is total scam
*all they care about is men’s genitalia
*horrible 10X
*misogynistic insults
*lady is awful
*please don’t give her any money
*Janis was condescending, rude and arrogant
*this woman is a charlatan

Janis and Vice Media host interview:

*he is socially awkward
*you don’t have great game
*socks, gym sneakers, rolled up pants that are too big
*horrible belt and plaid shirt that looks like a grandfathers shirt
*bad body language
*always open doors for women
*text them initially and say you heard they are fabulous
*don’t talk only about yourself
*women will think you are a pompous ass hole always talking about yourself
*ask her questions and get to know her
*you need to be a hot dude with confidence
*fix your body language and think about fun things like surfing to relax
*wait for her and order a juice and don’t cheer the juice
*watch your comments or it can be creepy
*it’s not your first juice place, you’re cool
*don’t act like a nerd

Janis talks about her reviews:

*when women start calling Janis a scam is when I lose it on them
*Janis called a woman a fat girl and someone who won’t be matched
*those are really angry, loser women who have nothing else to do with their time
*they sit down by a computer and write random nasty reviews without having met with my service
*don’t believe everything you read from women
*look in the mirror and see a handsome man with great hair and great eyes and get confident

Common themes as proof of concept for new brand and SEO to crush Yelp:

Comment: She basically is a 5 star roasting master.
Replies: Men get roasted live and get coached at the end. 
Janis reply: If you make 5 stars after I roast you, I will give you an introduction (from the women who watched this episode and filled out a basic level profile and got personally approved by me,) on the house.
Replies: Janis gets paid to roast men. Janis is a realist. She tells the truth and the truth hurts and that is why she got a 1 star review. 

Janis idea: Shoot and Episode of him asking random girl out. It would help his social behavior. 
Replies: She is awesome and tells it like it is. Would love her to have her own show.

Comment: Lady get paid to roast people.
Replies: Janis is a female version of Jeff Ross, without comic.

Comment: Roast people, then tell them how to fix themselves.
Replies: She was spot on. I wish I had that job. Liked her assessment of him, actually not bad advice. Some of the viewers can’t handle her brutally honest feedback. Love her, she is there to fix people who can’t date. I am a man and know her comment about fat unhappy women making random reviews at Janis. I like Janis, they should give her a new show on Vice. I like this chic, she is straight up and real. That lady is a regular on the Reddit Community. She toasted the host like bread. Commenting about angry loser women, I actually respect her honesty. Her advice is good, and has a certain brashness about her. Her advice is valid. I love this lady, she is a freakin boss. That is her job, to be brutally honest. Some of the funniest shit I’ve watched.

Replies: It’s called a reality check. Have had people lie to you your whole life. She is straight up and right for the most part. A little old school. She is too real for most people. One of the best episodes so far. This dating coach was spot on with her advice. She doesn't sugar coat shit. I respect her for that. She needs her own reality show. Had to keep rewatching her burn. Keep doing this please. I have seen them all and this one is my favorite so far. Love this lady, she genuinely said everything I was thinking. 

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